Origo Capital is an alternative investment firm (AIF manager) under the supervision of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority since its inception in 2012. We focus on the Nordic region and small/ mid cap companies. We strongly believe in fundamental research, active ownership and a long-term investment horizon. Our mission is the same as at the start; to deliver quality returns with a sound risk-taking and to adhere to our core principles; integrity, excellence and transparency.

engaged ownership

We focus on our fundamental research,  a long-term perspective and responsible ownership. The company's fundamental development, outlook and value drivers are at the center of our focus.

attractive market

The Nordic region is an attractive and diversified investment market. We know our home market well and have access to the company management and the owners.

small cap focused

Small and mid cap companies, as a group, are more dynamic, growth-oriented and under-analyzed. Historically, the excess return has been around 2% per year compared to large companies.

sound risk taking

Risk management is key to us, and a prerequisite for achieving long-term good results. We avoid things we do not understand and know that it is at least as important to avoid failed investments as to find the winners.

BUSINESS partners

ComplianceWistrand Advokatbyrå
Fund administrationWahlstedt Sageryd
Internal auditMoneo
Riskk controlWahlstedt & Partners